Cresta Clutch and Brake


So yesterday, although my hands and arms are broken and busted up from doing the engine conversion, i carried on.
I needed to remove the footpedal handbrake from the Cresta to allow for a clutch pedal to be installed.

As you can see, the footpedal handbrake is (well was before i started removing it) exactly where the clutch pedal would go.
It was quite a difficult task to remove, the pedal cable bolted to the floor under the carpet and along the transmission tunnel seemed to go on forever!

Finally removed. Look at that cable length! 😦

Ra60 clutch pedal installed. Oddly enough, it sits far enough away from the brake pedal to maybe allow me to keep the pedal the size it is!

Now with the footbrake pedal removed, and clutch pedal and master cylinder  installed i moved onto putting in an actual handbrake from a MX73 Australian Cressida. The tunnel had a backing plate underneith the location i needed to install it. This was a very annoying task, drilling out the spot welds and wedging out the plate.

I ended up getting so frustrated with it after 2 hours that i got out the trusty angle grinder and took out the section i needed. Which in-turn, removed the holes i needed to keep for bolting the handbrake in. 😦

Lucky enough i had a load of “flatbar” steel in the garage i could use to re-create a braket area for the handbrake to bolt to. i dare say its a LOT stronger than the original flimsy tunnel area. 🙂

After a few adjustments under the car at the cable area the handbrake works a treat!

I went to reinstall my Tailshaft after this, only to find out its too short. I need a front section of tailshaft that is 545mm long from the oil seal to the centre bearing mount point.  So im hoping a friend of mine can find me one today in his yard or else i have a $200 expense and a 4 day wait for my current tailshaft to be modded to fit. 😦

Good times though,
Tonight i might try and start the engine, ill try and video it.


One thought on “Cresta Clutch and Brake

  1. hi john!

    was this car on gumtree for a while, thought about picking it up myself!

    couldnt have found a better home, i look forward to the progress!

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